Lakeside Village
Website last updated January 28, 2025
See - About Us, Calendar, Minutes and Budget
Budget is password protected. Home Owners can email to obtain password.
South 312th St. and 10th Ave.S
Federal Way, WA 98003
The spa is closed due to a leaking pipe!
The pool is now closed.
A new lock has been installed on the Cabana. If you don't have your new key yet, contact Protocol. You must still use your old one to get from the pool back into the Cabana.
All common area and balcony lights have been replaced with new LED lights and fixtures.
Water Use!_Water use is costing you money._Read the attached letter (click on the red water use ) to see how you can help save resources and also receive a $20_gift card!
911 The City of Federal Way wants us to use 911. Read the attached letter (click on the red 911).
The fire alarm panel is under 24 hour-a-day monitoring. The Fire Department will automatically be called should an alarm station be pulled. They will respond and turn off the alarm.
A new web page has been added to this site to present Budget information to our owners.Due to the sensitive nature of the information, the page is password protected. Owners may obtain the password by emailing Jim Johnson
Go to the Crime page to find a link to the latest crimes in our neighborhood.
Lakeside Village is now approved for FHA financing